*popcorn kernels
*vegetable oil
With this easy way to make popcorn its all about proportions. Take any size pot and pour in 1 layer of popcorn kernels, making sure they just cover the bottom of the pot.
Add vegetable oil until it just barely covers the kernels. The put the lid (or if you're like me and don't have any lids - crip aluminum foil around the top of the pot) and place over the burner. When the first few kernels start to pop start moving the pot over the burner so it doesn't stay in one spot and burn the popcorn. When the popping becomes less frequent take it off the heat and eat away!
I started making popcorn this way when I realized how expensive microwave popcorn is in France. You can find the kernels in most big grocery stores in the spice area for a much better price.